Soon BIC

College of Our Lady of Antigua

According to our information, soon the building of the College of Our Lady of Antigua will be declared a Cultural Interest Site by the Xunta de Galicia. We hope it will be soon

Christmas Concert 2018

On Saturday, December 22, at 8:00 pm, at the Church of Our Lady of La Antigua-Escolapios, a Choral concert took place, for which the “Colegio Nª Sª de la Antigua” Foundation ceded the use of the Church. The performance included the performances of the Choir ESO Colegio Escolapios, Coral de Ourense and Coral Polifónica Ayuntamiento de Monforte. He highlighted the magnificent quality of our school’s choir.

Finished the cleaning of the Altarpiece of Moure

Photo of the baby Jesus in one of the carvings where you can see the amount of dust that prevented seeing the altarpiece in all its splendor

Just in time to celebrate solemnly the celebration of the Patron Saint of the School – San José de Calasanz-, he completed the cleaning of the Altarpiece of Francisco de Moure carried out by Mrs. Vania López Arias. It has been practically a month of cleaning and consolidating the altarpiece that can finally be seen in all its splendor. The cultural heritage of the Monforte is thus improved and speaking better of the cultural past of the current capital of the Ribeira Sacra.


For the chapel of Continuing Prayer we have just installed a triple painting entitled “Triptych of Mary, Mother of God, with the children”. It has been painted by Fr. Javier Agudo in acrylics and contains three images. The central image is a painting of the Virgin Mary surrounded by children. The other two paintings are a San José de Calasanz with two children and the other San Joaquín and Santa Ana, grandparents of the baby Jesus. This triptych once closed presents the Guardian Angel with children praying .. The size of the set is 180 X 360 cm.

This triptych being within the school facilities is not visitable.

Mary, Mother of God, with the children

Mary, Mother of God, with the children
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