Our Foundation addresses the educational needs of children at risk, and students with serious economic needs. Also to the maintenance of both the monumental building, to the good condition of the cultural heritage of the Colegio de Nª Sª de la Antigua.
To do this we ask for your cooperation
Donating you can exert the patronage altruistically and contribute with us in the By donating, you can exercise patronage in an altruistic way and contribute to the care of children at risk, the creation of dining room scholarships for needy students and the maintenance and care of the center’s cultural heritage, all benefiting from the established tax breaks.

In the restoration of the CRISTO DE MOURE that is preserved in the sacristy. Received by inheritance from the licentiate Benito Rodríguez, priest cleric, resident of the said town as we know:
“… he said that since he has for his own the work of a Holy Christ of wood, the work of Moure, which will be a high Castilian rod, that after his death he will not be given by his heirs the esteem and cleanliness that such a precious work deserves, desiring that he have it of his own free will, of course he makes grace and pure donation, mere, perfect irrevocable that the law calls between the living, of the said echura to Father Pedro Ignacio de Zabala, rector of the College of the Society of Jesus”.
Donation made on March 11, 1683. Estimated value of cleaning and restoration: 1.800 €
If you want, you can collaborate with our efforts by making a donation through the following link:
Or through a transfer to our account:
Bank: Popular-Santander
Title: Fundación Colegio Nuestra Señora de la Antigua
IBAN: ES17 0075 5977 8406 0537 7753
After your contribution you will receive your certificate of donation in your home address, if you indicate, for the rate reduction .