We read in the article by Francisco Pérez Rodríguez entitled “SOME RELEVANT ASPECTS ON THE SCULPTOR FRANCISCO DE MOURE”: The date of his death needs to be reviewed. Until now it was accepted on September 15, 1636 as the date of his death because it was stated in the death certificate located in a parish book of San Vicente del Pino and that, literally, expresses:

Photo: Face of the Orante Knight of Francisco de Moure

«Moure escultor. En quince de Septiembre de 1636 murió Moure el escultor -enterróse C S. Francisco- mando decir en esta yglesia treinta misas. Y por verdad-ut. a.- Fr. Antonio de Torgda. cura de San Vicente».

However, this date is erroneous and must be advanced a few months, since the statement of the Corregidor and Mayor of the town of Monforte de Lemos does not raise any discussion that such an event occurs on June 20, the day on which he is notified death with the intention of obtaining the authorization of the inventory of the abundant movable and real estate left by the decedent…

Therefore, we must consider the date of June 20, 1636 as the most certain to place the death of D. Francisco de Moure in Monforte de Lemos.

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