The FCNSdlA proposes to individuals and companies to participate in the restoration of the Christ of Moure that is currently in the sacristy of the church of Nª Sª de la Antigua. The Sacred Image needs urgent intervention and we want to count on the collaboration of individuals as well as Montfort institutions so that they can collaborate with us in this project. The restaurant budget is around €1800.

For those who want to collaborate, it can be done through the menu of this page in the “DONAR” option and it is that page by clicking on the “DONAR” button that you will find at the bottom of the page. A dialog opens where you can specify how you want to donate, the amount with which you collaborate and you will also find the text: “Write a note (optional)” where we ask you to indicate “Cristo de Moure Restoration”.  If you donate by card, please DO NOT put the tick in the save data section, as it would lead you to become a member of PayPal.

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