Book in tribute to Fr. Esteban Martínez, a Piarist who dedicated his life to the education and evangelization of children in Monforte de Lemos. Book that collects memories, impressions, biography, articles… by various authors, compiled by D. Abel Veiga on the occasion of the gratitude, tribute and remembrance that was held in 2016 promoted by his former disciples.
These days the news has appeared in the press about the consideration in the budgets by the Xunta de Galicia of the intervention on the dome of the Royal College PP. Escolapios of Monforte. This time, the agreement with the Xunta was signed by the owner of the college P. Javier Agudo as representative of the PP. Escolapios in Monforte. From the FCNSdlA we thank the Xunta for this new investment that once again makes visible its care for the artistic and cultural heritage, emphasizing the importance of this building in the whole of the Ribeira Sacra that once again opts to be recognized as a World Heritage Site.
The FCNSdlA puts itself at the service of this interesting project contributing its grain of sand, architectural, artistic and cultural. Also thanking the sensitivity of the Ministry of Culture.
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