VISIT OF THE COSELLEIRO DE CULTURA On the occasion of the next

intervention of the Patrimony of the Xunta in the vault of the presbytery of our Church of Nª Sª de la Antigua, today we have been visited by the Councilor for Culture D. Román Rodríguez González, accompanied by other authorities of the Xunta and the City Council of Monforte de Lemos as well as Father Javier Agudo, Manager of the Foundation, and Mr. Pablo Blanco and Mr. Jorge Valcárcel, Director and Manager of the School, respectively.

Don Manuel Freire, architect in charge of the restoration project, explained in detail the points of intervention and the precautions that must be taken for the successful completion of the work that I will begin shortly.


Today March 12, 2021, the decree that formalizes the declaration as an asset of cultural interest of the Colegio de la Compañía de Monforte de Lemos appears published in the DOGA, completing a process that began in the 2016. That year, the Colegio Nuestra Señora de la Antigua foundation presented a request to the Galician Government to initiate a file to declare the historic building as BIC.

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