Next Friday, November 18, at the headquarters of the Royal College of Nª Sª de la Antigua and at 5:00 p.m. the acts of the Celebration of Heritage Day will begin, which this year the Council of Galician Culture will celebrate in our center with the following program:
Friday, November 18,
5:00 p.m. Presentation
5:30 p.m. Round table: The College of Our Lady of Antigua. Example of heritage education. Moderator: Mª Xosé Porteiro, , Vicevaledora do Pobo
5:30 p.m. Documentary study for the declaration as BIC of the Colegio de Nuestra Señora de la Antigua. Led by Luísa Serrano, architect, Mª Dolores Lago, historian and restorer.
6:15 p.m. Social participation in the declaration process as a BIC. Study of the social value of the Cardenal building and the heritage education project of the school. Given by Mª del Mar Bóveda, educator and researcher at USC (GI-RODA). Specialist in heritage education and in the enhancement of cultural heritage
6:45 p.m. The execution of the heritage education project in the center. Given by Pablo Blanco, director of the Colegio Padres Escolapios (Monforte), and students of the center
7:15 p.m. Debate
Saturday, November 19
10:00 a.m. The history of the building of Nosa Señora da Antiga. By Fr. Francisco Javier Agudo, Manager of the Colegio de Nuestra Señora de la Antigua Foundation and head of the Real Colegio PP. Piarists.
10:45 Recent rehabilitation projects; In charge of Manuel Freire, architect, director of the rehabilitation works of the building
11:30 a.m. Institutional visit to the building and art gallery, guided by students from ESO do school.
12:30 pm Institutional visit to the rehabilitation works, directed by the architect director of the works, the manager of the Colegio de Nuestra Señora de la Antigua Foundation and the director of the Real Colegio PP. Piarists.