These days we have installed in the Pinacoteca the Funeral Inscription of the Cardinal after a restoration in which above all the original date has been returned since by indicating the date of the death of the Cardinal (MDC), 1600, part of the date of the writing and installation of the same (MDCCCXLIX) 1849.
The Latin text says:
Emm. ac. Rev. D.D. Roderichus á Castro S. R. E. Presbyter Cardenalis, Archiepiscopus Hispallensis: progenie Magnus, Virtutibus Maximus, meritis optimus: pauperum Parens, literarum amplisimus Protector, hujusce Basilica ac scientiarum scollae munificentisimus Fundator et Largitor, plenus dierum dillectus Deo et hominibus quuescit in pace.
Anima migravitim coelum cinera vero hic sunt. Anno Domini MDCCCXLIX
The Spanish translation:
Most Eminent and Reverend DD. Rodrigo de Castro S.E.R. Cardinal Priest, Archbishop of Seville; of great lineage, the greatest in virtues, the best in merits, father of the poor, very magnificent protector of letters, very generous founder and donor of this Basilica and of the school of sciences, rich in days, loved by God and for men, rest in peace.
His soul went up to heaven, but his ashes are here deposited. Year of the Lord 1849