As Fr. Esteban tells us in his book on the Piarist College, “Fr. Rector, aware by some confidence, that the military command had thought to install an Evacuation Hospital in this College, went ahead to offer it to him. ; Offer that was accepted with gratitude and, immediately, the accommodation works began, being inaugurated on March 13, 1937 with the first wounded who arrived from the Somosierra front (Madrid). The military asked that the College of Administration take charge, and Fr. Julio Beltrán began to take it, who was replaced, at the end of October, by Fr. Alfonso Díez Yebra, who continued until the end. Father Desiderio Saiz was in charge of carrying and controlling the ups and downs and Father Alonso Feijoo of the wardrobe. For spiritual assistance, the Bishop sent an Office appointing Father Rector as Chaplain, with the power to delegate, which he did to Father Benjamin Navarro, who carried out his duties with the great zeal and charity that characterized him.
The left part of the College was also taken by the military for Recruitment Barracks, leaving the right part of the façade for boarding and classes, with its cloister and gallery, plus some free spaces that were provisionally enabled. “
There are two books in the archive of the foundation, one on expenses of the aforementioned hospital and the other is a list of the deceased in it.
We are proud of the continuity of educational activity since the founding of the school. Not even the civil war, which interrupted so many things, could interrupt the school’s teaching work.