Days ago we spoke in an entry of this WEB of the inscription that is on the door of the church. We add something about it that may be of interest to our readers.
After the expulsion of the Jesuits from Monforte by order of Carlos III, the Prosecutor of His Majesty Don Pedro Rodríguez Campomanes, ordered that all the arms, emblems and symbols of the Society of Jesus be erased, with the obligation to put in their place the “Royal Arms of the Crown.”

It was, at that time, Corregidor de Monforte D. Bernardo Cayetano Losada y Somoza, who was commissioned by the Government to take over the affairs of this “Royal House of Education” and eagerly assumed the task of making the shields, emblems and symbols disappear of the Company that erased …
– the anagram of the Jesuits of the two main doors of the façade,
– from the upper internal part of the doors that connect the church with the two cloisters,
– from the main altar
– from the pulpit
– and four rose windows in the vault of the main cloister.
There is a tradition among the people of Monforte, according to which this Government Commissioner, after erasing all the insignia of the Jesuits that he could, even wanted to erase the inscription that exists, although somewhat deteriorated, on the main door of the church, But, when he began his destructive work, a gentleman of the town, seeing what the Commissioner wanted to do, could not contain his indignation, he approached determined to prevent him, pulling the ladder where he was standing, causing him a resounding fall, with great damage to their physical integrity.
Given this fact, opinions were divided into two opposing sides and some disorders occurred, but the inscription was never erased, and some damage caused in such an attempt can still be seen.