The Consello da Xunta will approve today February 25 the decree that confers the BIC category to the building. Indeed, the Xunta will today approve the decree that will formalize the declaration as an asset of cultural interest (BIC) of the “Colegio de la Compañía” of Monforte de Lemos, a category that was requested by the Fundación Colegio Nª Sª de la Antigua in 2016.
After the request, the General Directorate of Cultural Heritage began the preparation of a specific report and consulted on the matter, the opinion of its advisory and consultative bodies.
Already in 2019, the file requested by the FCNSdlA was initiated and the procedures began while the protection measures established for monuments with BIC category were provisionally expanded.
The file was endorsed by a report from the Royal Galician Academy of Fine Arts and another from the Consello da Cultura Gallega that proposed a series of improvements to be taken into consideration to give greater solidity to the declaration that is materialized today.