The second edition of Fr. Esteban Martínez’s book on the Colegio de Nª Sª de la Antigua has just come to light. It will go on sale for € 12 VAT included in the reception of the school itself. For those from outside Monforte de Lemos who want to purchase a copy, they can request it by email as follows:
- Enter through the DONATE BUTTON of the website € 15 (12 + 3 shipping and handling). Paypal or Credit Card options
- Communicate through the following email gerente@fundacioncolegionsdelaantigua.org that the entry has been made and add the postal data for proper delivery. If you want an invoice, add in this email the NIF.
We hope that this new edition is for all those interested in the Colegio de Nª Sª de la Antigua a source of satisfaction and joy.