of the Consecration of the Church of the College of Nª Sª de la Antigua
-College PP. Piarists-
Friday 2nd of August
19:00 Inauguration of the act
7:30 pm Round table: ” The Historical and Artistic Importance of the Building of Nosa Señora da Antiga e or social value two Bens Patrimoniais:”
- -D Manuel Chaín. Architect and Deputy Director General of Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Property of the General Directorate of Cultural Heritage
- -Dª Rosana Guerra García, Dra Architect
- -Dª Luisa Serrano García. Architect
- -Dª Mª Dolores Lago Arce. Historian and Restaurateur
21:15 Concert in the Church of the School interpreted by the pianist Ernesto Maseda González
Saturday, August 3
11: 00-12: 30 open day
12: 30-13: 00 Conference “The College of Monforte a Renaissance intuition of Cardinal Rodrigo de Castro” by Father Francisco Javier Agudo Manager of the Foundation.
13:00 Concert in the Church performed by Don Manuel Randulfe Jácome, Director of the Professional Conservatory of Music “Adagio”
Sunday, August 4
12:00 Celebration of the Eucharist in the Church of Nª Sª de la Antigua, presided by D. Alfonso Carrasco Rouco, Bishop of Lugo.