The Manager of the Foundation Our Lady of Antigua School
(School PP. Escolapios)
Father Francisco Javier Agudo García Sch. P.
He is pleased to invite you
to the commemorative act of the IV Centenary of the Consecration
of the Church Our Lady of Antigua,
which took place on August 4, 1619.
The inaugural act will take place next Friday, August 2, at 7:00 p.m. in the Hall of Acts of the school.
This act will begin with a round table with the intervention of Mr. Manuel Chaín Architect and Deputy Director General of Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Property of the Directorate General of Cultural Heritage and Rosana Guerra Pestonit, Dra. Architect, Luisa Serrano Garcìa. Architect and M. Dolores Lago Arce. Historian and Restorer, editors of the Documentary Study for the Declaration of Cultural Interest of the School of Our Lady of Antigua (Monforte de Lemos) and Marìa del Mar Bòveda Lòpez, titled in CC. of Education, Patrimonial Education specialist and in the value enhancement of Heritage. Responsible for the study of the social value of the College of Our Lady of Antigua (Monforte de Lemos)