The Architect Jesuita JUAN FERNÁNDEZ OF BUSTAMANTE (CA. 1560-1606)

Capitel Corintio Church of Lantadilla (Palencia)

The now known data about Juan Fernández of Bustamante allow us reconsider his professional path, as tracista of works. It has documented his intervention in Villagarcía of Fields, Salamanca (primitive School), Oviedo, Palencia, Segovia, School of Nª Sª of the Ancient in Monforte of Lemos, Medina of the Field (School of Saint Pedro and Saint Pablo) and Autillo of Fields, but in none has considered him like his tracista, but so alone like sobrestante, veedor, tasador, expert or administrator.

Juan Fernández of Bustamante is born to 1560 in Villamayor of Treviño (Burgos)12 and ingresa in 1577 in the School jesuita of Burgos, in which remains until his course to the School salmantino, in which presumably will know to the father Andrés Ruiz. Seem that the training of the jesuita burgalés to the shadow of Andrés Ruiz is more that likely. The main part of the works in which Juan Fernández of Bustamante appears documented are to charge of Andrés Ruiz of the one who doña Catalina of Zúñiga, nephew of the founder of the School of Monforte of Lemos, said: ?teacher zorro and knows more of architecture of cuantos there is in the Company?. It describes him in 1584 like man ?of buen wit, trial, prudence, quite a lot of experience, flemático, melancholic. It has talent for architecto?.

Capitel Corintio Church of Lantadilla (Palencia)

To Juan Fernández of Bustamante documents him taking part between 1584 and 1590 in the works of the Houses of the Company of Salamanca, Segovia, Palencia and, after dying Andrés Ruiz (1596), directing the work of Monforte of Lemos beside Juan of Tolosa, remaining he only ahead of the same to the death of this (1600).

In Monforte, Fernández of Bustamante realizes the valuation of all the built in the School in the year 1600, figurando then like Main Teacher after the demise of Juan of Tolosa and with agreement to them trace and conditions that had been given by Andrés Ruiz and Veremondo Subtracts in 1594 to the Cardinal Rodrigo of Castrate.

Seem that it is to initiative of Fernández of Bustamante the use of the capitel corintio that it is the used in the interior of the Church of the School of Nª Sª of the Ancient of Monforte of Lemos (Lugo) that attributed to the hand of the cantero Rozadilla. The same style of capiteles can see in the church of Santa Cruz of Medina of Rioseco, of Lantadilla, in Our Sir of the Street (Palencia), in the interior of the church colegial of Segovia, and in the Cathedral of Valladolid under the direction of Fernández of Bustamante.

Capitel Corintio Inner of the Church of O. L. of the Ancient Monforte of Lemos
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